Feels Like Something Stuch in the Back of My Throat

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Feel like something is stuck in the back of my throat...constantly coughing

  • Thread starter OneOfTheseDays
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  • #1
This has been going on for a month now, it feels like there is something tiny stuck in the back of my throat and I'm constantly coughing but it doesn't appear to be helping at all.

What kind of doctor should I see? I was thinking of scheduling an appointment with my GP but now am thinking I should see a specialist? Thanks in advance.

  • #2
your GP will tell you where to go if necessary.
Are you sure that it's not just an impression (and you're coughing because of viruses or bacteria)?
Is it high enough to be visible from the outside (with a mirror)?
  • #3
This has been going on for a month now, it feels like there is something tiny stuck in the back of my throat and I'm constantly coughing but it doesn't appear to be helping at all.

What kind of doctor should I see? I was thinking of scheduling an appointment with my GP but now am thinking I should see a specialist? Thanks in advance.

Of course go to the GP. However, I can tell you they will likely dismiss you and say. Take this and call back in 3 months.

I have HUGE tonsils. I should have had them out when I was a kid. They are all nasty and pitted but I get these things stuck in them that are called Tonsil stones. Exactly the same feeling. If they end up in the right spot they can REALLY tickle the back of your throat.

Your not really supposed to mess with them, however I was getting them out with a hairpin (NOT RECOMMENDED). Sick stuff, but google it. It's likely the case.

  • #4
I had an anxiety basedbcough that had no physiological explanation. Glad that is now behind me
  • #5
could be strep. or if youre feeling very fatigued along with that feeling of something in your throat you can't clear it could be mono as well. You should go to the GP and see what they say.
  • #6
Tonsil stones / tonsilloliths would be worth looking for.

I get them now and then, they feel kind of like getting a piece of a popcorn kernal stuck in your throat if that sounds similar.

Find a well lit mirror and look at the back of the roof of your mouth/top of your throat, sometimes you can see small white marks which is usually a tonsil stone. They come out on their own eventually, but if they're annoying take something like the blunt end of a toothbrush or a q-tip and massage the skin around it to pop/slide it out. Then spit it out, I wouldn't recommend touching them ;)

And stone is a misnomer, they're about as hard as a bruised apple.

  • #7
Yeah, could be a tonsillolith. WARNING: DO NOT BREAK THEM OPEN.
Mar 22, 2002
  • #8
I'm sure this is a minor issue, but I have to ask - are you a heavy drinker? How much alcoholic beverages (meaning 1 beer, 1 shot, or half a cup of wine) do you have per day?
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Feels Like Something Stuch in the Back of My Throat

Source: https://forums.anandtech.com/threads/feel-like-something-is-stuck-in-the-back-of-my-throat-constantly-coughing.2110288/

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